Interesting main segment on the latest Rest is Politics podcast episode all about the Irish elections which happened a few days ago. Alistair goes into the history of the various parties, which clears up some of my confusion about irish politics. I’m still somewhat unclear where on the left-right spectrum the parties lie, but perhaps that’s the point? Maybe the left-right spectrum doesn’t really describe Irish politics very well? Anyway worth listening to, even though the RIP guys seem to have bizarely neglected to mention the segment entirely in their show description, despite the fact that it’s rather good.
There’s a bit of a bug going around at the minute of people fixing things while breaking them, allowing while blocking, and highlighting while covering up. Seriously, I’m only half joking, it’s happening multiple times per day where I am. But I’m seing signs of this sort of thing everywhere. So much so I suspect it’s civilisation level emergent behaviour. A sort of yes no yes no yes no thing.
Anyway, it appears they’ve been hit too. Oh noes! Get well soon gents.
Also in the episode, Stalmer’s big reset, the battle for Syria and political mayhem in France. #