

2024/12/31 #

I woke up this morning with a completely blocked nose which is a bit unusual. The security guards, actually it’s only one of them, has been doing his new thing of sweeping everywhere which makes it really dusty, so that’s not helping much either. I’m feeling quite sneezy now, sinuses are sensitive and enflamed. Yesterday evening was mostly quiet, people seemed to generally be in a moderately good mood. Let’s hope that continues.

Might get some more done on the RSS feeds refactor today.

In case I don’t get the chance later, best wishes to all for the new year’s celebrations and for 2025 :) #

2024/12/30 #

Unhappy to report that worldo has sunk to a new low. Putting infant animals through pain and mortal danger is now being used to intimidate me. Yesterday evening a very small kitten suddenly appeared in the middle of the road directly on front of me during the evening rush hour traffic. There were motorbikes passing in both directions. The kitten was completely traumatised and scared out of it’s tiny little mind. It appeared to be limping quite badly so likely already got hit by one of the passing bikes.

There was a break in the traffic and I looked around, there didn’t apear to be anyone that had dropped a kitten. A motorbike that had been parked on the opposite side of the road, driven by a couple in their twenties, just happened to be turning in the street and found themselves in the middle of the road. I don’t think they had seen the kitten, who was at this stage scrambling for dear life down the middle of the road. I jumped up because it looked as if they were going to drive straight into the poor thing. I think perhaps me jumping up made them see what I was looking at and they stopped in their tracks.

The kitten ran under a large car that was momentarily stopped, trying to jump onto the rear axle but of course fell off as soon as the car started moving again. The couple on the motorbike drove up to the kitten, the bloke who was driving, got off the bike, and picked up the kitten and drove off.

A few moments later two young people on a motorbike drove by and said very clearly 'you learn' as they passed. Earlier in the day there had been a somewhat strange incident that seemed very planned to me, by 3 teenage boys, who appeared to be waiting for me and tried to make it look like they walked into me by accident but it felt like they did it purposely. It happened after I left the shop cafe were when I leave I often get punshed in some way. I managed to avoid them because I saw ahead of time what was unfolding.

It happened in the same location on front of the internet place, where a few months ago a local caused a situation where I ended up walking out into on coming traffic during the morning rush hour. I narrowly escaped without injury. In that same location, a few months previous to that there was another incident with kids doing the same thing, forcing me into on coming traffic. I also note that a while back at one of the shop cafes I used to go to, a strange sparrow person young women, started turning up with a kitten in her bag.

All these things lead me to think this was a planned intimidation event.

The rest of the day had been actually quite quiet but clearly worldo is exponangry again and blaming me. I hope the kitten is alright.

The other thing that was happening all day yesterday was people saying 'okay' everytime I moved location. Like I was being given permision. This was from adults but also from groups of children. It happened at least 7 or 8 times in a row as I walked from place to place.

Why are you exponangry this time worldo? #

Konstantin Kisin from the TRIGGERNometry podcast on loosing faith in the british main stream media [59:15] while at the Democratic National Convention in the US:

I’ll be honest with you [...] that one moment, being there and then reading the coverage on my phone while being there, that for me permanently broke what was left of my faith in the main stream media. Because that’s when I realised, they’ve been lying about this guy this entire time, and in Britain in particular. Even people, prominent conservatives, like Michael Gove and others were pro-Kamala, and I understand now, because in Britain what we do is we listen to british journalists who mostly don’t ever go to america, so they don’t see any of the stuff they are talking about with their own eyes, and if they do go to america, they don’t go to america, they go to Washibgton DC, or New York or if they go on holiday L.A. or something like that. So they aren’t seing the parts of america that are pro-Trump. They have no conception of how to understand it. And then they are swollowing the lies of the american journalists who marinade in their own echo chamber. And so what we get in Europe is a complete misunderstanding of what is going on. And then you add to that that because we speak the same language we assume that our cultures are the same [...] and our cultures are not the same.

Just realised that if I finish a note with a list or a quote then the hash link isn’t getting added, so I’m adding this sentence. A minor annoyance that I’ll hopefully world willing get to at some stage. #

Build minutes finally reset! Woohoo. I managed to publish all the content from the past few weeks to the website and I’ve also made loads of progress on merging in the fix to the RSS feeds. There’s still some work to do on it but definite progress.

Coding rocks :) #

2024/12/29 #

Worldo is so hell bent on controling every damn thing in the universe that it’s constantly trying to fix things that aren’t broken, and by doing so, breaks the thing that was working perfectly fine, and would have continued without any issues whatsoever. Then worldo just expects things to magically get fixed or to fix themselves, getting angry or angry mcangry or exponangry if that doesn’t happen. While things that are actually broken are just left to rot.

Currently I’m being blocked from washing by the security guards, water is being turned off everytime I go to the public toilets, but it’s not being turned off for others. At the shop cafe gangs of school kids, usually girls, are showing up and loitering there the entire day infiniti nattering and causing trouble. They don’t seem very bothered about going to actual school. Getting anything done is impossible.

When I leave the shop cafe to find somewhere else I am immediately punished by random people everywhere. If I try to buy food, again I am punished, yet they’ve also stopped giving me any food gifts. It’s contradiction after contradiction, constant anger goading, by all the butch women everywhere and all the security guards everywhere.

You can’t eat, you can’t drink, you can’t wash, no no no no no. Non stop no! harrassment, primarily from angry women, but also from men, who are usually with one of the angry women. I wonder why. They are all pure evil.

Yet they appear to think they are doing me a favour.

Build minutes should reset in the next few days so that will be nice. Hopefully this new year’s eve I won’t get assaulted. #

I know britain can make food as good as on the continent. I’ve seen it first hand in all the gastro pubs. Yes it’s inspired by the produce of other places but that’s totally okay. When it really starts getting good is when parts of british culture and produce make it’s way into it somehow. Imagine if high quality british food was the norm for every day regular folks all over the country, instead of all the processed crap. That’s where we have to be to truely compete with the mainland. #

It’s kind of worrying that it appears Starmer and his team never really had a plan of action for growth themselves. I guess then the only thing left is to ask the already underperforming intitutions for a plan.

Maybe Starmer is turning into leftist Elon? Will he roll up his sleeves and personally sit in these groups and cut through the beaurocracy until they start firing on all cylinders? That would be kind of cool.

Running a handful of government watchdog orgs has got to be sort of similar to running multiple high performing companies. Or at east it should be imho. #

2024/12/28 #

Worldo blocking everything, while pretending to help, while blaming me for everything, while preparing the next thing it’s going to block. It doesn’t know how to stop and will literally continue blocking everything until it has blocked itself and will then start commanding me to allow. Which isn’t really a proper use of the word if you ask me. What you’re really saying is, 'you fix everything that we broke. For free. Then take the blame for breaking it'. You stink worldo. You really really stink.

Still got to write the newsletter for today. Really not feeling very enthusiastic about it. #

Feels like the fortnightly alergy flareup / cold is on it’s way. Feeling quite sneezy. I note that all yesterday afternoon I was harrassed by extreme passive aggressive sparrow people in the shop cafe I was in, and this morning the old weird humper lady has returned, though she wasn’t doing her weird fake humping excercise. No doubt there will be anger goading all day until I get mutilated. The security guards are already being wankers, blocking me washing and making everywhere unnecessarily dusty by sweeping everywhere. That’s not something they usually do. It’s clearly to aggrevate things, plus they are acting like they are the victims. #

2024/12/27 #

I haven’t been taking escallation notes, which isn’t to say that there aren’t any weird things happening. In fact if anything it’s somewhat worse than usual. All the gang stalkers are emboldenned. Perhaps it’s their favorite time of year Christmas. They’ve been blocking everything that moves, anger goading every neutrino in the universe. I’ve mostly kept very calm, but they’ve gone for the jugular: water and electricity.

Here’s my one note from yesterday:

  • Both water and electricity cut offs threatened. Water was then blocked then later cut off completely right in front of me, blatantly, while others were allowed water.

We all know how this ends. I get mutilated while being blamed for everything in the universe, then everyone is unhappy, then I get blamed for that too, then mutilated. And I still got to do all the stuff I was already having an extremely hard time doing.


What we going to do after that world. Will you be having another one for the road? That’d what you usually like to do, until you don’t.

Here we go again eh worldo. #

2024/12/26 #

It‘s Christmas but the maliciousness doesn‘t stop, in fact it’s quite the opposite. Maliciousness loves Christmas. So many new and interesting avenues to explore. Food goading, sex goading, weird pedo pervert shit, all the horrible things all directed at me in one way or another while blaming me for the thing that’s being done to me. It’s so devious that in some ways you end up seing it’s in many cases quite clever. If only all this malicious energy could br re-directed to something useful and productive, all the worlds ills would be solved 10 times over, with plenty of everything to spare for everyone.

Life goes on, I’m the bad guy again, everyone is sad again, everything I do is frontrun and counter acted.

As predicted yesterday I ended up getting 'Pay!', harrassed, presumably for receiving the clothes gift. It was clearly a gift. In combination to that everyone seems to be saying 'okay!' literally everywhere. Allowed while being blocked. Over and over and over in every dimension. It’s literally impossible to do anything right. The very instant you think you might finally have done something right, the very next second you get clobbered.

Nothing you can do but shrug. #

Looking back, and depending on the day, life at times seems like a long succession of escapes from invisible prisons. Some of the prisons were really fucking wildly narly, though I didn’t necessarily know it at the time. It’s been quite a journey.

I can’t quite tell if it’s getting any easier. It’s like it’s much harder in some ways but in other ways it’s easier. I still look back, have fond memories, and I miss some of it, but I’m also happy I escaped all those rotten places. Bitter sweet. #

2024/12/25 #

So many strange incidents, one after the other. It’s a bit like if you were a canal boat being progressively moved through a series of locks. All while being harrassed by motorbike stalkers.

There was a bloke on a motorbike that stopped by yesterday and appeared to be offering me some clothes. He was motioning that he had some sort of trousers or he had and would go and get them and be back later. He didn’t return, but he showed up again this morning and had a few plastic bags with various clothes. He seemed to be legit a nice person, so I now have 2 new pairs if jeans and a trousers.

Hopefully I won’t later be accused of stealing them of something, which is sort if what happened last time. Also another thing that happened the last time was the 2 slighlty baggy somewhat skater style trousers wouldn’t you know it turned out to look quite similar to the trousers some of the bin men wear here. Clearly this is somewhat amusing to many folks here, who have been taking the piss by they themselves wearing bin men style trousers of various colors.

Anyway, I’m thankful for the jeans, it’s nice to get a gift on Christmas morning, even if there’s all sorts of other weird shit going on.

I’m kind of tired today, lots of sleep depravation from gang stalkers all through the night.

Merry and happy Christmas to all. Best wishes for the holidays. #

2024/12/24 #

So much passive aggressive viciousness yesterday. That ontop of all the apauling plus infiniti minus infiniti harrassment that was already happening. I found a shop cafe in the afternoon that got nice and quiet right after lunch. It was a bit like finding an oasis given how much abuse I was being subjected to from every direction. It was really bad, like being attacked by a swarm of evil entities. Everywhere I went.

I think it’s likely I was rather shook up when I got there. Anyway, once umit quietened down I was able to listen to some relatively heady podcasts. The people around me all seemed like bookish peaceful types. Rather refreshing. Well don’t judge a book by it’s cover, because this lot were just as wound up as the everybody else. As I left they all hurled vile serpent like venom at me, words they had clearly been preparing the entire time we had all been sitting peacefully. It was like the opening scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark where he’s running away from the dark temple with thousands of arrows being shot at hime from every direction.

This morning is shaping up to be much the same. As I was writting the previous paragraph, and old lady stopped to harrass me using references to some of yesterday’s harassments. Literally pretending to peace while righteously passive aggressive waring.

Christmas tomorrow. Food hopefully before then. So much discusting food goading yesterday. At the minute it seems like it will be starvation for Christmas. #

2024/12/23 #

Worldo is basically now just a stream of contradictions, one after the other, as it attempts to offset everyfuckingthing it does using it’s opposite and anytime anything is out of place, even the smallest possible thing in the universe by the smallest possible amount, I am immediately to blame for it all. It sucks. Is everyone having a nice christmas? As long as you are all having a nice Christmas? That’s what’s important after all isn’t it.

I finished the RSS feed generation code rewrite yesterday, which was followed immediately by a massive food goading and a contradiction tsunamis.

Might as well just kill myself. That would be more love than the universe is sending me at the minute. #

Worldo has blocked internet at the internet place. The settings show the device is connected to the Wifi, but the connectivity icon never appears top left of screen, even after multiple Wifi restarts. #

Fixed after restarting vpn. It was displaying as not being activated, yet somehow taping the disconnect button in the app restored the internet connectivity. Stop lying worldo. #

Ran out of build minutes. No more content to the website until the reset in 6 days. #

Duncan Trussell [32:17]: "This is like the beginning of a sci-fi movie. These things are fucking everywhere." #

Adam Frank [21:24]: "We kind of have an idea of who’s average, who’s weird. And our solar system’s weird, because the average planet has a mass between a few times the mass of the earth to maybe 10 times the mass of the earth. And that’s exactly where there are no planets in our solar system." #

Are we alone in the universe?:

Adam Frank [1:05:43]: Unless nature is really against, has some bias against civilisations, we’re not the first time this has happened, this has happened elsewhere over the course of cosmic history.

Lex Fridman: 10 billion trillion experiments?

Adam Frank: Yeah. That’s a lot of experiments.

Lex Fridman: That’s a lot.

Adam Frank: Right.

2024/12/22 #

I managed to make some progress on the refactor of the RSS feed generation code yesterday. Lots of head winds from some very sparrowy sparrow people. In fact I suspect they might have actually been tigers acting as humand acting as sparrows, which sounds kind of insane, but there you go. You can sense the tiger pounce all the way through to the sparrow layer. It’s the most deviously passive aggressive thing ever, you have to constantly be chaging your approach to things. It’s virtually impossible to make progress, but it’s possible if you code quicky but adding placeholders for the bits you don’t know yet. I say quickly, and in a sende it is, but you end up wasting much more time than you save long term, because everything ends up feeling like you are walking on egg shells. It’s very difficult to describe.

Anyhow, I got the main logic outline written. I need to go back over it and fill in the missing detail.

It’s a bit cold this morning. I’m quite hungry. The weather looks like it might be clear skies. #

Regular walkers in the park shout 'No!' at me while walking past while trying to run me off the path, followed immediately by one of the motorbike mechanics from a garage next to the internet place walking past also shouting 'No!'. Looks like worldo is angry again. What did I do? I sat quietly all morning listened to a few podcasts and posted some links. Seems like hateful aggressive harrassment to me.

It apears to have started by a woman calling me a dog as I walked a few meters away past her. I have no idea why, I didn’t even look at her, but she chuckled and said 'dog'. The food vendor woman I went to next did the same thing, and the next shop slso had a pop at me ordering me to 'up!', same at the next shop by another female staffer. Don’t try and tell me these events aren’t linked in some way. Of course they are. It’s intimidation plain and simple.

It doesn’t bother me that much, but the problem is that they always keep escallating until it gets dangerous. #

2024/12/21 #

The contradiction tsunamis has continued all of yesterday, and this morning the same. There are signs it could turn violent, with some rather aggressive motorbike gang stalkers this morning hurling abuse while revving their engine as they drive past. They’ve also positioned half empty large plastic cups rather obviously on the garbage bin on which the lid has been left open. That combined with the motorbikes this morning is a way they are intimidating me around what happened last year. They are alluding to the assault. Yeah it’s very horse’s head in your bed. A lot of what goes on around here has a very horse’s head in your bed vibe. All very funny until it’s not.

On the plus side, I found a bit of piece and quiet yesterday morning to refactor the RSS feed code. I think I already managed to fix the bug, which I have to wait till build minutes reset to test. But the whole code structure was really bothering me. I originally wrote it under very difficult conditions, that’s literally always the way with the RSS code, for whatever reason. The end result was I put almost all the logic in the template, but there are a bunch of other primitives that I can use. It just hasn’t been that obvious how to do it. The RSS feed generation is different to most other rendering because instead of 1 template rendering 1 to many output files, it’s sort of reversed. You have to render lots of templates into a single output file. And I’m also using a library to create the feed.

Because of that and because of several cludges that are in the code because of all this, it hasn’t been at all obvious what a better way would look like. There was always something obscuring the way forward. Well I think I’ve cracked the problem. With the benefit of hindsight it seems a bit obvious. Essentually it requires moving some preparation code to another place and modifying how each rss item is rendered. That might not mean much to anyone, but essentially it unknots the hairball that was the RSS code and makes it all nice and well structured and a pleasure to read and reason about.

I’ve done about 1/2 of it yesterday, hoping to get the other 1/2 done over the next few days if worldo allows. Of course that’s easier said than done because as is always the case when I go anyway near the RSS code, starvation and harassment isn’t far away. I wish I was joking. This really is no joke. It’s fucking insane.

Everything is so much more difficult when you are hungry.

Another bit of good news, I already prepared the newsletter, that’s a relief because I'm very low on energy today. But it’s not a good relief because I was forced to prepare it early because the week has been so narly. That means the issue is lower quality than usual. It’s piece meal, with bits added in fits and starts, as the universe allowed, and since it’s been a week of stop start race conditions, the newsletter has that in it too. And frankly that makes me sad because there is so much good content but my newsletter isn’t able to present it in an appealing way. It just feels like a few small piles of unloved garbage. #

2024/12/20 #

All the security guards have got some sort of beef with me. People are maliciously helping to create sutuations they can repeatedly use to escallate and escallate, I'm being blocked in every dimension, and nobody is happy with anything. Contradiction after contradiction after contradiction. Yah, woah, up, lie, minus infiniti, plus infiniti, don’t eat, eat, it’s never ending.

I can tell there’s going to be some sort of issue around water and washing. They’ve clearly already decided on something and are trying to force me into some type of trap.

I looked back at last year’s notes from the same period. There was lots of harrassment and it culminated in me getting assaulted on new year. At one point I got some sort of eye infection. Well wouldn’t you know it yesterday one of the possible malicious help situations involved a woman saying 'eye eye' to me, then later at the internet place there was a black stuffed cartoon eye ball left on the ground.

Really hoping things don’t escallate, but it happens no matter what I do. I’ve been totally quiet all morning, and motorbike stalker after motorbike stalker are passing shouting things. The last too in quick succession were 'you are mental' and 'are we liar'. This after sleep depravation from just before 3am. Eventually they are just going to try to keep me awake all night. Then I get in trouble with the security guards in the park if I doze off there.

They create the problems the complain about, they block the solutions they suggest, then they escallate and escallate and eventually when everything is totally blocked everywhere for evryone they blame the whole thing on me, then they mutilate me. Then they are unhappy and blame me for that, then they mutilate me for that, then it starts all over again. It’s roughly speaking the exact same pattern every time, but expressed / implemented slightly differently. They aren’t all aware of the bigger picture, just their little bit. And everytime they get more unhappy and more angry.

Yesterday’s fortnightly alergy flareup / mystery cold wasn’t as bad as usual. I still had a bit of a runny nose and sneezed quite a bit, but it was over by late afternoon. Interestingly I went to a different sandwich shop and shop cafe. However it had started early morning before I set off. I’m still half expecting it to return today. #

A friendly note to people who don’t speak english all that well.

When we say 'it’s all yours' as we leave the bathroom which you have been waiting for, the thing that is all yours, is the bathroom. And it’s a figure of speach. It doesn’t literally mean that the bathroom now belongs to you. It just means that it’s now available for use, which is kind of a bit like you owned it for a small bit of time. But you don’t literally own it. A figure of speech. Sort of like a metaphor. A turn of phrase. An expression. Just one of those things that people say, that people have been saying forever.

So saying 'you are mine' as you exit the bathroom right afterwards is a bit strange to say the least.

Sorry if this destroys your world view or something. #

2024/12/19 #

Running low on everything, food, water, electricity, and they are blocking everything while blaming me and harrassing me. Need to conserve what I have so no podcasts or blogging :(

The fortnightly alergy flareup / mystery cold appears to have started (as predicted), I’m sneezing a lot this morning and perhaps not uncoincidentally lots of motorbike drivebys shouting 'up!' and 'lie!'.

Hope all is well with everyone, and that Christmas preparations aren’t too terrible. #

I spent about an hour going over the code of my static site generator’s RSS plugin to try and figure out why the HTML is all mucked up. I didn’t find the issue but I think I’ve found a nice simplification of the code which will likely make it much easier to figure out why HTML is looking strange. Hoping to create a new feature branch with that fix tomorrow, which I’ll test at the end of the month once my build minutes reset.

Coding in shop cafes is really tough sometimes. It happens so often that just as you get to the most challenging part, just as you’ve spent an hour loading all the code into your head, that a group of people showup that are seemingly counter acting everything you do. Takes some real patience when the universe is playing those types of silly games with you. It’s like walking a tight rope, simultaneously in every dimension of the abstractions in your mind.

And then when you manage against all the odds to make some progress, the group metaphorically shiv you in the back as they leave, and every sonuvabitch security guard down the street does the same a bit later when you walk to the standup internet to post the links you collected and currated with love for and no thanks from the world. Like something out of a fucking modern day Dostoevsky novel accompanied by sad violins.

Anyway it will be awesome if it works. #

2024/12/18 #

Looking through my escallation notes now, all the usual non stop harrassment bull crap yesterday. What’s the point in even publishing it really. It’s just too depressing. Looks like another full starvation cycle had started, it’s been a few weeks since they’ve done complete starvation. They started giving me 1/2 eaten food last night while apologising which seems very strangely timely given I wrote a blog post yesterday appoligising for the weird looking RSS feeds. Odd thing is that the post was pushed to Github but not published yet.

Whenever RSS feature in my coding or activities, starvation is right around the corner.

Anyway what tends to happen with these starvation cycles is water and electricity and other vital things start getting cut off. And lots of anger goading. Yesterday evening for instance they cug iff the internet, and earlier in the morning a shop staffer made a big deal about giving me a platic bag, which no doubt was used as sn excuse for all the harrassment and blocking that followed throughout the day.

Well now at least I have some feeds to read in my RSS reader. Though what I’m discovering is that a huge amount of them don’t include the full post, only a link, which is useless for reading offline. I’m going to have to keep doing pruning until the flow of news is in any way useful. Also noticed that clicking on a specific feed in the reader app shows zero posts, even when there are clearly loads of posts in that feed. So RSS reading is still not great.

Chritmas music in many of the shop cafes. Some chritmas trees around. Saw a bloke on a motirbike yesterday zipping past with what looked like a huge bag of green christmas tree bulbs, so there’s a big tree somewhere nearby. #

2024/12/17 #

I’m going to try and read a lot more blogs than usual today. I re-organised and pruned all my RSS feeds yesterday so that should be a lot easier than before. There’s also the chance that the new categorisation structure is too simplistic with everything that isn’t a blog lumped in under 'news'. We shall see.

Worldo still appears to be a bit blocky this morning. It was really blocky yesterday, making a point of blocking in a lot of key places. It wasn’t a synchronicity appocalypse day though. That tends to happen later in the cycle. At the minute it’s still from people being malicious or just stiring trouble, but it usually escallates until everything is blocking in every dimension, like some sort of demented singularity. #

Julian Lennon [41:41]: "I think if you don’t know, you can’t talk about it. You can’t understand the weird journey that you go through. I think you have to do certain things sometimes just to realise what it’s all about. It’s that balance thing, it’s the light and the dark."

I’ve never heard or seen Julian Lennon before. Of course I know of him though. This interview is kind of fascinating. He does resemble his father, both in looks and the way he talks, but he’s very much his own person. It’s like every now and then a bit of John makes it’s way through him, and it’s strangely comforting or familiar, but it’s also nice that he channels it in a way that has his personality, his interpretation so to speak. And of course it’s very fractal like because he’s talking about his life, so you simultaneously get sense for how the world has shaped him. And he’s a pretty interesting guy who’s done a lot of interesting things. #

Looking at the calendar, looks like the fortnightly alergy flareup / mystery cold is due in the next 4-5 days. The last time it hapenned it sucked big time. Hopefully it will have passed by Christmas. #

A classic bit of Joe Rogan clarity following a very interesting wander with Julian Lennon into the realm of quantum computing [2:13:47]:

JR: That’s one of the most humbling things that I’ve found about doing this podcast. Realising how genuinely dumb we are in comparison to the amount of information that’s available. Not just uninformed, but incapable even if given the information, of grasping exactly what these apex minds are thinking and working on right now. Along with at the same time, people just living in Rivello, just having an expresso and a cigarette and getting a slice of pizza. [...]

JL: I resign. I truely resign in that level. [...]

JR: LOL, me too! [...] I think we are the last of the regular people. I think this experience that we are having, this experience that you are having on a motorcycle with no signal, driving through the countryside, just being alive, I think, we are the last of those people.

Me three dudes. I feel like that all the friggin time. Has it always been like this? I bet tons of cavemen had existential crisis’ with the invention of the wheel. I mean can you image, it’s like legs and feet, but also, it’s smooth abd continuous like water. WTF. #

What if behind every quantum computer is a very very very powerful regular classical computer and a random number generator? Maybe even a computer from 1000 years into the future, basically just pretending to be a "quantum computer". How would you know?

Seems to me based on things I’ve read or listenned to online, that there are quite a lot of folks looking at quantum computers with a proverbial one eyebrow raised at the minute. #

Internet at the internet place is on the blink. It was fine just a few minutes ago, then the indian bloke that stands uncomfortably close with his back to me while smoking a cigarette turned up and the Wifi network disapeared. It usually comes back after a few minutes when it goes down but so far it hasn’t this time. Looks like I’m going to have to leave it till tomorrow. This post and the previous link won’t make it into tonight’s build. I think I have enough build minutes left for an extra build tomorrow morning. Worldo is literally always angry about something. Probably doesn’t like pinneapple on pizzas, that or perhaps it’s chile con carne that’s causing the current freak out. #

2024/12/16 #

Worldo is already angry and blocking everything that moves and it’s hardly even daylight as I write this. Sleep depravation again last night. I’m exhausted. I’m hungry.

Here are my unedited escallation notes from yesterday, things are getting weird rapidly:

  • Butch women public toilet attendant doing her angry mind control thing again. Also one of the two sinks was blocked up. I predicted a few days ago that there would likely be water issues. Looks like I was right once again. It’s the same pattern every cycle.
  • One of the clothes gifts from last night was a shirt. It’s not as nice as my pop button cowboy style jeans shirt, but it’s a lot newer. The cowboy shirt is in a very sad state. This morning in the shop cafe a young boy about 6-7 years of age appears with a female guardian. He was wearing a light yellow cowboy shirt with pop buttons. He kept double tapping things around the room. As they left, he clearly says ‘liar’ as he passes by me. Was he saying it to me, or the woman guardian? Either way not great. Also to be honest his yellow shirt looked a bit Primark rather that Zara or H&M. It wasn’t fitted. Looked like it was for a fat kid. But he seemed to be enjoying it, with his collar up like he was some sort of rebel.
  • Next person to enter the room a minute after writing the last item is wearing a T-shirt that says SMILE on the back. Yes good idea world.
  • As I was writing the last item, SMILE bloke got up and left. He was only here for about 30 seconds. Btw he sat on front of the whitewashed graffiti dick.
  • ‘Lonely’ harassment by couple, purposely jangling keys. Historically speaking that’s usually a sign of imminent pedo pervert harassment. It’s happened many times before. And based on events from past 2 days seems very likely it’s about to happen again. Worldo back up to it’s old tricks again.
  • Everything I’m doing this afternoon at the shop cafe is being counter acted. I’ve been trying to prune the feature backlog, but anytime I get close to it, start reading tickets, there’s some massive flare up by people either around me, or downstairs. Eventually just to make some progress I was forced to just delete all the work I’d previously done on a feature. It was taking longer to reorganise it than just doing it again from scratch. What a huge waste of time. That’s what happens when worldo goes on one of it’s blocking frenzies. Of course it will escallate and blame me for the things it’s doing to me.
  • Weirdo couple bloke tapping things as he and the girl he was with left
  • Last night’s food gifts were were in a thick red plastic bag that had a yellow ribbon tied in a bow on one of the handles. Just now on front of the shop cafe I’m in, a young women just appeared on the opposite side of the road seemingly looking for a taxi bike or delivery bike. She had white ribbon bows tied all over her body and hair. At least 10 of them. Gee what a coincidence.
  • Young women walks up to the graffiti dick, a pauses, then sits down and puts her black bag on front of it. Leaves the bag’s top quite obviously and purposely wide open. Other young women sitting behind me appeared to be amused. Right before bag girl arrived, they ‘yah’d’ for no apparent reason.
  • The instant I finished writing the last item, bag girl closed her bag. Girls behind then said ‘unbelievable!’. Then ‘wow!’.
  • The instant I finished writing the last item, the podcast I was listening to said "you can only do it on children!". Told you that would happen didn’t I.
  • As I finished the last item, the entire room got mobbed with a large group of young women. I am pretty much surrounded. They are all wearing black, apart from one that is wearing an all red head to toe outfit. The girl sitting in front of my charging battery is foot pumping and the girl next to the graffiti dick has a very obvious tramp stamp tatoo. They are saying things like: ‘he knows’.
  • The podcast I was listening to right after writing last item: ‘fill then stroke’.
  • As they all left, one of them leaned in a weird way across the surface right in front of the graffiti dick. It looked very prepared. She waited a few seconds with her butt sticking out, and a taller one smacked her butt. I looked at the shorter smacked girl and it turns out she wasn’t just shorter, unlike the others who were likely late teens or early twenties, she was clearly a young teenager. Just like I said before. Once they start doing the weird pedo pervert shit it doesn’t stop for days. They will escallate until I get angry. It’s all part of their anger goading campaign. This isn’t the first time. It happens all too often.
  • Just before leaving, I went to the bathroom after packing my bags, I passed two young women seemingly not connected to the large group who had all left, as I passed them they both said ‘No!’. When I entered the toilet the seat was half down, and the toilet had not been flushed with yellow pee still in the bowl. The last person to use it was the young women wearing head to toe red outfit.
  • Just as I finished writing last item, the podcast I was listening to said ‘now we are flogging a dead horse’ and immediately afterwards my nasal cavity flared in pain. As I left the toilet the 2 young women said ‘you won’. Not a good sign. That usually means they are getting more angry.
  • Harassment from people at the top of the street after leaving.
  • On the way to internet place, people pass me in the park saying ‘our!’.
  • As I leave the park a butch women wearing pink, who has been waiting near the entrance ostensibly doing exercises, as I pass her she is doing her shoe lace, with her foot up on the barrier. The previous time I was in the shop cafe I just left, there was another weird toilet incident. Somebody had clearly put their foot up on the toilet bowl. It was all muddy. What a strange coincidence. Seems like worldo is getting even more angry, while blaming me, once again for everything in the universe, I guess.

Another day. #

David Pierce [11:25]: "End of 2025, somebody has acquired Snap [...] somebody, I forgot, I had a lot to remember coming back from December 2025."

I thought this bit was great. Sometimes it’s the unnexpected off the cuff bits that are the funniest.

This one works so well because it’s so uncomplicated, a bit silly, it’s perfectly timed and it doesn’t disrupt the flow in any way. They are playing a game pretending David came back from the future with a tech Almanac in his head. A few minutes into it, just as they are settling into their predictions, he styles this one in, and everyone collectively 'oh yeah' remembers they are playing the Back to the Future game.

Of course you can’t over use these types of jokes but this one made me smile so much I thought it was worth pointing it out.

Update: Finished listening to the episode, definitely worth the listen, future tech predictions with a bit of humour. #

2024/12/15 #

Worldo is still angry while pretending to be helpful. The less said the better. Here are yesterdays escallation notes:

  • Got given new bag that has a lot of yellow
  • Apparently yellow tsunami has started at the shop cafe. Every kid is wearing yellow today
  • The gifts I were given last night have several malicious components to them. Firstly they are being made to look like they might have been stolen from another foreigner. Also one of the items was a bag, which is good because my shoulder bag has had a broken main zip for several weeks. Well the replacement bag is nice but considerably smaller. I managed to get rid of some stuff to make things fit, but the issue is the handles are too small to fit your arm through them and carry over your shoulder. It forces you to carry it in such a way that it’s really uncomfortable and requires considerable arm flexing. Guess what, yesterday a bunch of westerners passed by right near when I got the gift who were having the time of their life as they passed in an open side vehicle with a table, they were mid arm wrestle. Gosh what are the chances. Claiming to do me a favour while mutilating me again world, eh?
  • On leaving the internet place this evening, a man standing at the side of the road about 30 meters down the road, apparently on the phone. As I pass by him he says loudly ‘No!’. People have been saying ‘No!’ at me everywhere for days now. This happens a lot. A bit further along I pass a butch women who passes by paying particular attention to me. I round the corner and there is another butch women apparently looking through some garbage bags. She has her very large bottom pointing directly at my face. As I pass her she double taps an empty can. In the newsletter I published earlier today I mentioned kicking a can. Tapping on empty cans isn’t a regular thing people do here.
  • Lots of people, more than usual saying ‘yah’ all day today.
  • Massive white tsunami this evening, everyone is wearing white
  • Strange incident involving a black guy that I won’t go into
  • The entire evening was one thing after another. It had a vibe that can be best described as ‘okay your going to do that, which isn’t what we want, so we’re going to do this’, like sone never ending passive aggressive chess match, that you don’t even want to be participating in. The thing is, no matter what you do you are wrong. Eventually you just sit motionless because literally everything is interpreted as a declation of war.
  • Got gifted a boat load of milk packages. I mention it because this happened last cycle a few days before the fortnightly allergy attack / cold. Also loads of noodles and things that no longer fit in my much smaller bag. So it’s going to be really difficult to carry.

Worldo is basically a contradiction maniac at the minute. Hoping the storm will pass soon.

Drizzly and rainy. Urgh. #

Nilay Patel [20:20]: "Who will augment reality, is like a great, question."

I hear web browsers are being eaten by AI. Are you saying web developers will have to transition to reality augmentors or die?

At the risk of front running a bit early on this, I don’t currently have another 20 years to waste on this shit, is augmenting reality the new taking out the garbage? #

Nilay Patel [30:42]: "All of these middle companies, these like web2.0 companies, that digitise the interface for very physical things, they were pretty vultury in their time. Uber is the biggest taxi company in the world, doesn’t own a single taxi, Airbnb doesn’t own a single hotel, that’s the joke about those businesses, and now they are under pressure from AI systems that might use their interfaces and never show them to a user. This has to go somewhere that is useful for people."

For what it’s worth, I don’t even own a laptop. I have about an hour before the righteous school girl mob arrives. You’re welcome. Thanks for the milk cartons world. Is this socialism? #

Richard "Previous Generation" Lawler [30:42]: "It’s slighyly brighter."

I do believe my use of italics in this context added the necessary iota of happiness the universe required to make everybody millionaires. #

Richard "Bills To Pay" Lawler [1:26:25]: "Work!"

Why do you hate Malaysia, and young people? Also I bet you could do a phenominal Obama impression. #

2024/12/14 #

I got gifted some tshirts and a few trousers yesterday evening. The trousers have a sort of skater style, baggy at the top and they get tighter towards the ankles. I’m into them. I never quite got into skateboarding growing up, I couldn’t afford all the shoes it would have required, but I could just about olly, kick flip and varial 180. I was more into the look though. It went well with the grunge scene of the time. Anyway it’s nice to be wearing something with long legs, I’ve been wearing shorts for so long, I can’t even remember the last time I wore long legged trousers. It’s definitely multiple years.

I went through and tidied up some of my daily notes, which is why there was a bit of a flurry of odds and ends posts yesterday. I’m still kind of bummed that I lost a blog post. I think it was pretty good. It was about AI and podcasting. Oh well.

I still have to write the newsletter. Better get to it. #

Matt Odell [12:36]: "A16z is the mother asshole that all this other bullshit came out of. They were early investors in Facebook, early investors in Twitter, they created Paypal. All the dystopian big tech shit that everyone complains about, ALL links back to a16z. And these guys are now in Mar-a-lago, they are in the Whitehouse. There is going to be some good benefits, and there’s going to be a lot of infuriating bullshit I think. And we'll see it playout every week on RHR."

Great observation, but also much respect for the instinctive level realisation that he was mid sound bite, effortlessy adding a show plug at the end there. #

Keith Tear [03:40]: "He’s considered to be bad because he’s allowing people we all disagree with to speak. Well what’s wrong with that? People should be allowed to speak. There’s nothing he’s doing which is in any way either right wing or negative. Yet he’s demonised for being this terrible person, when actually he’s the best of us. He’s actually the best of us." #

Businesses as mini-governments? Discuss.

  • Isn’t a complete Labour win, a situation where the business owner makes as little as possible, and the employees make as much as possible?
  • Isn’t that essentially "minimal government"?
  • Isn’t that essentially a conservative government?

My brain is broken now.

  • Won’t business owners eventually have to be actors on the government’s payroll?
  • This is only partially ridiculously absurd, remember we have had actor presidents since Reagan. Why wouldn’t that eventually spread to all businesses?
  • Isn’t that the big problem with Labour governments, that it always boils down to an X for we but not for thee situation?

2024/12/13 #

I’ll start with some good news today. I finished restructuring the main website HTML. It’s looking pretty good. On the surface the website of course looks the same, but if you look at the HTML underneath, it’s a lot simpler. I updated one of the core plugins, the one that builds lists of posts, which previously just put all posts into unnordered lists, to make the lists optional. I realised that there was no point in having lists for everything since really the only benefit is the layout they provide, and for most of the website I was removing that with CSS.

The only place on the website that uses unnordered lists is the linkblog. I like the look of links inside bullet pointed lists. But all the other parts of the site, the blog, podcast, newsletter and notes, don’t have lists. It’s just <article> tags inside <article> tags. Each day is an article, and each post within a day is an article. That works well because each article is dffectively a stand alone piece of content, so that matches up quite well with the intent of the <article> tag.

Along the way I had to totally disable code syntax highlighting. It was already not working for some reason. I don’t know why yet. I had turned off the prettifier for blog posts because it was removing the newlines on code blocks, but it meant the HTML was full of newlines and spaces, which made it very verbose and difficult to read. Now it’s all tidy, which is a nice feeling.

I hopefully will find some time in the future to find a way to have both syntax highlighting and pretty HTML. The RSS feeds are still for some unknown reason displaying weirdly in readers. There are a bunch of HTML escape characters that are being added somewhere causing the start of every post to look really strange. I’ve refactored all the code, added a bunch of debuggging and new helper functions that will make it easier to debug. Again though, that will need to be next month now.

There are a few small tidying tasks still to do, which I’ve coded up already, but will wait until my Github build minutes reset at the end of the month. I’ve got just about enough left to run the daily build to publish content to the website. The big question though is whether I’ll have enough food. This always seems to become an issue when there are problems with the RSS feeds for whatever reason. Consequently I really hate going anywhere near the RSS code. Starvation will do that to you. It goes without saying that no food, no blogging. Dispite what some people say, you just can’t run a vehicle on an empty tank.

And there have been signs there might be water issues over the next few days. They’ve stopped filling up the soap dispensor at the shop cafe, the women attendents at the public toilets have been groutchy recently, and there was another night of sleep depravation last night, followed by anger goading and another garbage war. I’ve got about 10 days until the next alergy flareup / cold. It would be nice to get some blogging done but it’s bext to impossible with all the angry young women tsunanis that happen almost everywhere I go now.

That’s the state of things. #

Michael Sayman [26:42]: "Maybe what comes next is human to human conversation is in real life and human to internet conversation becomes the primary value of the internet." #

Michael Sayman [30:04]: "The app would respond with thousands and thousands of different perspectives on how to handle a situation. Fundamentally the big learning from SocialAI is that a chatbot interface for AI gives you one response, one truth. But the truth isn’t really there for a lot of these questions. Where I should go for dinner, where I should go on vacation, should I move to one city or another. There’s no right, true correct answer, there are many perspectives, and it’s up to me to want to decide what I want to do. And so giving people [...] an interface with multiple responses is really the breakthrough with SocialAI. I’m just excited to see how it expands in the rest of the industry." #

Given how close politics is to the economy, something I observed about UK political parties a month ago, was how close Tory is to toro, and Labour is to (a female?) bear. You need to have an small appreciation for both spanish and french for this to make sense. #

An artificial village entirely made up of "the only X in the village" people, incredibly, somewhat predictably, is having yet another new person problem. #

What if balancing the budget was dangerous? Okay sure maybe this is an out there thesis, but in this age of infinitely powerful AI, what if by balancing the budget you give away what your minimum survival rate is. Those that have control of you can then lock you into that box forever. In order to grow you have to run at a deficit to escape the enslavement by the other players. If this could happen to an individual, why couldn’t it happen at the nation state level? #

Do highly controlled societies have huge alcohol problems? There are quite a few that do. What if it’s a natural consequence of technology advances? It’s the only way to make progress because everything is so locked down. If you run a balanced budget they can fully control you. The right to bear alcohol. The right to get off your head. #

That thing where you realise your entire life might be an elaborate simulacrum being used in a sting operation to uncover the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, across all realms of the multiverse.

Some Bitcoin parents are going to be real a-holes. #

Internet connection is clearly being throttled today. Downloading podcasts is taking way way way longer than usual.

I told you worldo was angry. #

Lots of people randomly saying 'our!' today. Both western and eastern folks. Wow the game theory on this is out of control. I guess I should just join in.

I told you our worldo was angry. #

2024/12/12 #

I changed things up a little yesterday in two ways. First I decided to spend some time down by the canal. The shop cafe was over run by righteous school girls again and was clearly going to turn into another estrogen mob. So there was little chance of getting anything done. Of course this angered worldo, and lots of gang stalking all along my route to punish me for changing my routine.

Also I came up with a new way to test templates. Prepare a whole load of them in advance with ever more changes in them. Then when I get to the internet place I can just swap them in to test, one after the other. It works great for finding tricky bugs in render templates. It’s like if you were troubleshooting a bug by progressively bisecting the code. But you just prepare everything in advance. It means I can get everything tested quickly and move on.

Looks like I’ll have the HTML restructuring done soon, maybe later today. Then I need to ensure the RSS is still rendering properly.

I managed to listen to a few podcasts yesterday, but it was a very busy day, lots of walking, and lots of harassment from the righteous shitty bums, who were trying to blame me for being slow all while blocking me over and over again. #

2024/12/11 #

So much just plain horrible, malicious and mindboggling hypocracy yesterday. Here‘s a note I jotted fown at some point which goes some way to describe some of what was going on:

  • Their absolute favorite thing in the world is to pretend to be funny while being malicious, then blaming you for the thing they just did to you and punishing you if you point out what they just did. They will always hide their maliciousness behind something and they don’t care what it is.

I feel like we are figuring out all the base concepts of societies, the things that holds them all together, and it’s really unpleasant getting there. Do I think we will be any better off afterwards? I definitely am not sure about that.

I ended up have a pretty bad alergy flare up / cold all day yesterday. Sneezing, runny nose, and the world really likes to rub salt in all the wounds when that happens. As predicted, these things are happening with a 10-14 day cadence at the minute. It’s clearly not normal, and they fit in with all the other bull crap that you gotta think it’s on purpose in some way. Of course I repeatedly got blamed for it while being mutilated over and over, by people pretending to be angels, but were actually demons in angel clothes.

I got quite a bit of coding done, once again getting close to this months build minutes. It’s unbelievable to me that literally every month the feature I work on always, and I mean always, requires a small amount more minutes to get it done.

This 'almost but not quite enough' thing has been a feature running through my whole life. It literally just happenned again while I wrote the last sentence.

How does anything make any sense when the world is entirely algorithmic? All sorts of concepts just break down, freedom, forgiveness, the rule of law. You are left with groups of shitty bums all maliciously calling each other pots and kettles, and they are’t wrong, but they aren’t right either. When everything is miscellaneous, maybe nothing is.

Looks like we just get left with fortnightly shitty bums syndrome apocalypse.

The world wants infinite forgiveness, all literally while it mutilates you, while not giving you one iota of forgiveness in return. Forgiveness for we but not for thee. Money for we and not for thee. Food for we and not for thee. Water, friendship, love, kindness, compassion, the list is endless, but worldo’s favorite thing in the universe is to go through it and cross every i and dot every t.

Whatever worldo. You have shitty bum syndrome again. You gave it to yourself and you’re blaming me again. And you know it. #

Roger Avery [1:21:12]: "Well they’re not going to give you that computer in jail. Your going to be forced to write it on pencil. And that’s going to be an okay experience for you."

Very bad news for computer programmers that.

It’s crazy that a non executed film script can be worth millions while a non executed javascript program ain’t worth shit. #

2024/12/10 #

Something odd going on with the security guards this morning. They were taking photos with their phones with the lights on. Then sitting like small school children on the curb a bit down the way. Then quite a lot of people walking past in white. Some aggressive motorbike gang stalking too. And my alergies are starting to flareup. I’ve been sneezing quite a lot. Just as predicted, the fortnightly alergy attack / cold appears to be on the way.

As for dev work, I am merging some work from the past few days that cleans up and simplifies a lot of the HTML, removing tags that weren’t necessary. I’m hoping it will fix yhe RSS render issues or at least make it easier to solve.

There’s something weird happening with how the HTML is being rendered. Some pages like the everything page have loads of extra newlines inserted, but others don’t. Trying to get to the bottom of that. It might be related to the syntax highlighting being broken.

I was going through the code yesterday and it’s currently very complicated how that all works. I had to turn off the prettifier on blog posts because it was breaking the code block syntax highlighting. But that’s not working either now. I’ve added some debugging to make it at least easier to tell if the prettifier is enabled or not.

Hopefully I’ll figure out how to both remove the newlines and have the syntax highlighting work. #

2024/12/09 #

Listenned to some good podcasts yesterday morning. Got quite a lot of coding done after I got angry at useless young woman yah’ing me. Realised that everyting is all so ridiculously hopeless in this place. Even the biggest exponangry in the universe wouldn’t even touch the sides. It’s like an army rowing with toothpicks. It doesn’t matter how good they are as individuals or even as a group. They are still the toothpick army.

And so they the blame everything on me. But I can see their stupid toothpicks now.

Hurting me is about the only thing they can do.

Go on, row toothpickers row! #

Duncan Trussell on memeplexes, memeonic possession & demons [59:29]: "You look at like the general aesthetic of the right, you look at the aesthetic of the left and you see the way the meme goes from idea to physical form, dress, hair, whatever it is, the mood that someone’s body is fitting into, but it doesn’t stop there. That’s where it gets fucking weird. The collaborative efforts of people from any given memeplex extantiate themselves into timespace in 3 dimensional forms. Art, architecture, movies, video games. It doesn’t stop with the way you dress. It actually wants to build itself into time, it wants to create statues to itself, it wants to create posters, paintings, symbol sets, that are non mind dependant other than they have to be observed to come into existence. They live in 3d space." #

Weird day today. A sort of giggling histeria seems to have taken hold of people, basically everywhere I’ve been.

Here are my notes:

  • Several groups of young women in succession gripped by some sort of laughing hysterics, all speaking really really strangely. Nasally, and like they are small little critter creatures, from fragel rock or something.
  • People using speaker phones to talk to other people clearly gripped by some sort of hilarity.
  • Several skin irritations have developed over past 3 days. Like bites, but are they really? On both arms and legs. Itchy and swollen. Under arm and under thigh. Could very easily be from contact with something placed on seats or my bags.
  • Blocked nose has started. How strange that that always seems to happen when groups of righteous woman, who appear to be having the time of their lives appear, all talking like they have clothes pegs on their noses.
  • The fragel rock women leave and are replaced by young women with tiny mini skirts, speaking with people on speaker phone in histerics about somebody being ‘lonely’. That word is used again and again.
  • I move to another shop cafe where small children turn up who are speaking in the same strange fragel rock dialect. Many people, apparently different groups of people, are in histerics everywhere. It’s like it’s contagious or something.

The thought that I keep having is that people often laugh like this when somebody is being, perhaps unknowingly, offensive. Unless something really weird is going on where it’s funny because someone is doing the opposite, ie not being offensive, which would imply that most of the time people are akways being offensive.

Anyway whatever it is, it’s super strange. #

2024/12/08 #

Worldo still massively exponangry.

Was kept up most of the night with sleep depravation, amidst wave after wave of unprovoked 'No!' harrassment from every direction, whether that be motorbike gang stalkers or random people walking past, from people of all ages and walks of life.

There were a few more escallations through the evening:

  • At least 10-15 ‘No!’ harassment incidents from random people just this afternoon
  • Given that the fortnightly cold / allergy flareup is due over the next 1-5 days, I thought it was interesting that I’ve been gifted lots of small milk cartons twice in the last 3 days.
  • Big butch woman on motorbike with a young girl on the back. They drive past and as they pass the big butch woman points at me in a way that looks like somebody picking something, girl on the back mouths ‘winner’ at me. Very weird.

Already this morning lots of motorbike gang stalkers harrassing. Seems like it will be difficult to get anything done today. #

2024/12/07 #

I did a lot of walking yesterday. Worldo was front running my every move from almost as soon as I woke up. Presumably remenants of it’s exponangry thing from a few days ago. As I was walking to the next place, I would literally think about what shop cafe I wabted to go to abd inmediately, and I mean within seconds, the hive mind would fibd a way to order me to go to whatever place I pretty much already decided on. This happened about 4-5 times in rapid succession, and so I just decided not to bother with somewhere indoors and went to a place along the canal I hadn’t been to in a while.

It was also happening at a more granular level with interactions with people in shops along the way. The staff in literally every shop were front running my every move. It got very weird in one place with 3 food vendors all front running ontop of each other, creating this strange layered ecosystem thing. I don’t know how to describe it. It was like in the sea when there is sn ecosystem feeding frenzy, with successively bigger fish eating each other all the way up the food chain. It was very odd, you almost don’t have time to think. Bam bam bam bam! Ond after the other. It just feels like the whole universe is getting more exponangry.

Anyhow I got through it, but did a lot of walking. Did quite a bit of coding, around improving the HTML structure. There are some issues with how posts are displaying in RSS clients, so I’m trying to tidy up and simplify what HTML tags are used. Also listenned to some pretty rad podcasts, and prepared today’s newsletter.

Today I need to schedule the newsletter, and maybe test somd of the code I wrote, but it’s currently raining so not sure how easy that’s going to be. Feeling alright today as I had some decent food yesterday, a reasonable night’s sleep. Though my neck is in pain, as I slept in a strange position the night before last. #

Impossible to get anything done today. Got women mobed again this afternoon. They are like digiridos or bag pipes. The have sone sort of circular breathing thing going on so they talk continuously.

Here are ny escallation notes from this morning:

  • Public toilets shoes incident where the attended woman got annoyed at me for not using the flip flops. She actually got a bit violent, pocking me. I haven’t used them for over a year, not since one I used turned out to have human poop on it. I use the public toilets so often that that is bound to happen often, and without my glasses I can’t see if they have poop on them. Last time it happened I started getting all the leg infections that lasted for 7 months. Btw yesterday in the shop cafe I went to, there was a bloke typing on a laptop that kept standing up every 5 minutes and doing some weird exercise routine where he paced up and down in front of me, kicking his pointy shoes in the air like he was doing football keepiuppies. Oh and guess what, I was gifted some chocolate filled sweat breads last night. What are the chances?
  • The no sandwich for you bloke is back at the sandwich shop. He always acts weird and has previously blocked me from buying a sandwich previously for no reason, apart from he was angry that I asked for cheese, which he had forgotten, in my pork cheese sandwich.
  • Strange situation while paying at the shop cafe, man with boy in front of me in the queue paid and immediately got out of the way like there was some emergency. There wasn’t. I was just chilling, no rush at all. The man kept motioning me to put my things on the counter. I nodded and just waited for the staff woman to give them their change. The weird thing was that as she gave the kid his change she simultaneously with the same hand pointed down at the ground, like ‘you, here’. It was very odd. That doesn’t normally happen. It wasn’t busy at all in the store. Really felt like they were anger goading.
  • The same shop staffer then came up the stairs and locked the hot water dispenser. There was an incident a couple of weeks back when fir no reason the women shop staff tried to block me from using the hot water dispenser downstairs. Btw the upstairs hot water dispenser is next to the bathroom, which for a few days now has had a new matt outside to dry your shoes. What a coincidence that a matt gets added, then at the public toilet there is an incident involving using flip flops. It’s been raining all morning. Why is everything five for a year then suddenly it’s an avalanche of coincidences. People trying to fix things that aren’t broken. People clearly trying to frame me, to trap me. Bet I get blamed later, and blocked, and mutilated. Worldo clearly still exponangry.
  • An unusual amount of chocolate based jokes in todays podcasts.
  • Looks like the toilet in the shop cafe has been locked shut. Gosh, escalating much exponangry worldo?
  • The toilet turned out to not be permanently locked, however the young women that was in there was in there for a very long time, and the blokes outside sitting near me said ‘you’ as I went after her. I found in the toilet that there was a used baby wipe in the toilet bowl. I used the toilet, just a number 1, and found that when I flushed the toilet, bizarrely the baby wipe was stuck to the toilet bowl. Thinking not much of it I left the toilet and sat back down on my seat in the shop cafe seating area, where I have been sitting quietly for several hours. It’s 20 minutes later, and guess what, on my right thigh, on the underside, just where the skin is exposed where the shorts finish and the leg begins, I now have a very itchy, swollen, bite-like skin thing going on. What an unbelievable coincidence. And remember yesterday there was that whole incident where the bloke down by the canal said he had some shorts, disappeared motioning to wait, but never returned. One additional thing that happened that I didn’t write about because it didn’t seem relevant was that there was a woman near the canal that passed by and she was making a very strained face as she smiled and looked at me. I remember thinking at the time it looked like she was constipated. What are the chances that all these coincidences occur? I’ll tell you. It’s ZERO. These situations are all linked. Once again, for the millionth time I got physically mutilated. Actual bodily harm. I bet it won’t be long until somebody says ‘we learn’ to justify it all. Because ‘we learn’ in their heads excuses any behaviour.
  • On the way to another shop cafe many many people randomly saying 'No!' for no reason. Looks like another 'No!' war.

At least I got the newsletter sent out. Hopefully worldo will be less angry tomorrow. #

Based on past experience, I’ll be getting the fortnightly cold anytime in the next 1-5 days. It’s been happening every 10-15 days for many months now. Felt a slight tingle in my nasal cavity just a few minutes ago. I had just checked the calendar about an hour ago. It akasys starts with a tingle. That then usually escallates and turns into the cold / alergy attack, with runny nose and sneezing and then blocked nose and I can’t hardly do anything for 2-3 days. It’s the worste. #

2024/12/06 #

Things are hearing up, just as I started writing this note a manufactured situation is in progress involving several motorbikes. Not sure what’s going on.

Anyway here are escallation notes from yesterday.

  • About a month ago there was an attempt at one of the shop cafes I go to to get me to only buy a coffee there. I usually buy a few things but some of the staff were very clearly implying that I should / could just buy a coffee. I thought it was weird so I didn’t change my routine. There was a whole ‘you win’ thing that happened, it took many days, it was sort of a big mountain out of a mole hill ordeal. Well last night I was gifted a bunch of stuff, including some items or similar to the items I usually get in the shop cafe. Also early this morning a woman all in black passed me by where the weird old humper lady does her pretend humping exercises. Right at that corner were two ice coffee cup lids, oh and the all black woman happened to be carrying a small flask, almost exactly the same as the one I use for drinking coffee. So this time I decided to just get a coffee at the shop cafe. Guess what happened? When I just got the coffee, the shop staff left garbage on the table I usually sit at, blocked the power outlets, and started angrily stomping all around the place, up and down the stairs. Once again, it’s a classic they create the problems they complain about, block the solutions they suggest, and they’ve been trying to escalate but I’m not reacting so that part isn’t happening. But I’ll get blamed for not reacting at some point later probably.
  • After writing the previous bullet item I went to wash my flask and noticed the 2 westerners who had been sitting behind me, apparently english teachers here based on what they were saying, had left an ice coffee cup with an upturned bottle top on the coffee cups lid. They both had very distinct accents making it obvious which part of the world they were from. Gosh quelle coincidence. A bit disappointed there wasn’t a horses head left under the table [sarcasm].
  • 10 mins after last item, apparent police officer has entered and sat right behind me next to the coffee cup. Not necessarily nefarious, I think he sometimes passes by here but he doesn’t usually sit down.
  • The shop cafe filled up completely with school girls again at lunch time. This is a totally new thing that’s been happening for about 2-3 weeks now. I’ve been going there for about a year and it never used to fill up with these teenage school girls. They are all, as we say in the UK, proper mental. And verging on violent, one of them dragged a stool directly across my bare foot without bothering to lift it. Quite painful it was. No apology. Just a whole gang of them crowded in around me. Ended up having to move to a table. When I said to be careful, some of them started saying ‘AOw’ sort of semi mocking but also like they were saying I was hurting them. I said something like ‘oh the violent ones pretending to be the victims, never seen that before’. They all went very quiet for a while. I’ve witnessed quite a lot of maliciousness from this bunch over the past few weeks. I’ve written about it in previous notes. Btw this saying ow when thing isn’t especially particular to school girls here. Many many people do, quite often, in my opinion, maliciously.
  • Down by the canal this afternoon. The bloke that gifted me the 3 back T-shirts stopped by to say hello. He said he had some shorts and perhaps a hoodie. Hoody seems like it might be red. He was pointing to a plastic bag that had sone red logo so I guess it’s probably red. Anyway he disappeared and hasn’t come back so not sure what that was about. Right after he left, the two quite tall butch women that really remind me of Rock Viellers walked past, they were saying ‘gay’ quite a lot. Yesterday the only other bloke in the shop cafe in the mental school girl tsunami who was sitting on front of me had a red hoodie. Coincidence? Last time the bloke who gave me the black T-shirts gave me the T-shirts, it was followed by a small ‘Pay!’ war from the gang stalkers.
  • The word mayhem is now apparently trending. And riské blurry puppet based jokes.

So as you can see if you’ve been able to get through all that, it’s all sorts of weirdness happening. I’m 24/7 on high alert, this can’t be good for my mind and body.

Please stop being angry world. Thank you. #

Here’s some post about a suspected CEO shooter in NYC that appeared this morning, I haven’t read more than the first paragraph and the images. Given all yesterday’s happenings it’s pretty clear hoodies are trending. The story specifics isn’t the point. The point is the weird synchronicity. I document it here as a sort of illustration.

Know this: these types of weird synchronicties are happening to md constantly at the minute. Pretty much every day. Whatever you see documented here on the website multiply 10x to get an approximate idea of how bad it it. Things didn’t used to be like this. I dunno if it’s just how the modern world is these days, but there’s no question to me that there has been a step shift in weird sychronicities. I know this is sample if one and anecdotal etc, but it feels almost algorythmic. #

2024/12/05 #

Worldo is still exponangry.

Escallation notes from yesterday:

  • My finger got mutilated in 2 places, it’s slightly infected
  • A young woman at the shop cafe, following a particularly difficult coding session, randomly said to me ‘you won’ for no obvious reason as she was leaving. The entire lunch time and in fact hour leading up to it had been completely full of teenage school girls yapping away. So much so that it often seemed that they had reached some as to yet unknown level of consciousness not associated with regular cognition. I’m serious. It was more like a flock of sea gulls squawking at each other. There’s no way they could even hear each other. But the odd thing was that once again the place filled up with all young women. There was one other bloke, wearing a red hoody. It was such an odd atmosphere, all the young women were completely quiet. Coding was very difficult. It was like my every move was in some way being counter acted. I coded in several bugs inadvertently, then when I attempted to review the code, the hive mind of women got really angry anytime I got near to or found a bug. Super frigging strange. Anyway when she said 'you won', I sarcastically said, ‘yeah like being at your own funeral’ because it felt a bit like what I imagine it might feel like to be at your own funeral. Well now I’m back at the internet place pushing the code I wrote to the remote and guess what the past 20 minutes there was a monk singing on a loud speaker coming from somewhere. At least it sounds like a monk. It sounded just like the chanting that was at a funeral last week at one of the cafes. Today though, there is no sign of a funeral anywhere. Weird.

A bunch of maliciousish help, helping while blocking, being kind while anger goading while being exponangry. Gifts of things that are only useful if I spend money, sucking my blood while blaming me for it, win win win win winning while pretending to lose lose lose lose lose, while pretending that I’m win win win win winning, when clearly all I’m doing is continuously loosing, and then blamming everything on me and mutilating me, and then being unhappy and blaming that on me too.

Whatever worldo, you be you.

Another day.

A small bit of code to merge today, it would have been a lot more had worldo not been block block block block blocking me.

Another worldo total reality inversion fractal apocalypse. #

2024/12/04 #

I think worldo is exponangry. That’s when you get 10 times more angry every single day. Since worldo doesn’t know how to stop, the only way out is to blame somebody else.

The morning 'Hey, go home!' motorbike stalker bloke sounded kind of angry this morning instead of his usual cheeriness. That’s exponangy for you.

Let’s get straight to it, yesterday’s escallations:

  • Small amount of money thrown on the ground near me when I wasn’t looking in the very early morning.
  • Woman from yesterday wearing the pink shorts and pink shoes that did the whole manufactured chat with the baby walker just cycled past, wearing yellow, and quietly shouted ‘owe’ at me. I hate to point out the obvious but it very much seems like she’s creating the problem she’s complaining about. Next blocking then escalations , then everything blamed on me.
  • On the way to the internet place, near where fruit slices have been repeatedly placed and on occasion caused me to fall and slam into the ground, an envelope was left next to a tree, which a yellow piece of paper next to it.
  • A shoe shine bloke sits on the floor shining shoes directly on front of me while I’m standing at the internet place. Quite unusual.
  • Pink shirts and shoes middle aged woman keeps passing by. A bit odd.
  • At both the hot water & egg shop and the shop cafe got forced into taking a small plastic bag despite requiring a big plastic bag. Other customers were allowed large plastic bags.
  • Tall western bloke, apparently a teacher, that sometimes passes through the shop cafe was walking with a limp today. Sun first thought was it was the world front running my next mutilation. Sure enough 30 minutes later I discovered a small pussy spot on my leg. But if a bad omen considering I previously spent 7 months fighting off leg wound infections which I wrote about extensively at the time, about 2 years ago now. This feels like intimidation to me. Worldo loves intimidation when it gets angry, while pretending not to be angry.
  • School kid on a mission to rebel by belching
  • Shortly followed by older school girls on a mission to rebel by saying ‘Aaah!’ and ‘lie!’. Likely an even bigger fish will enter the shop cafe in a bit. Perhaps with commentary from David Attenborough.
  • Got diverted to walk through a patch of grass I don’t normally walk through. Seems like there were some fire ants there. Both my feet started burning really badly, I guess from the apparent ants. Very painful. Oh a double leg mutilation, what a surprise. No worldo isn’t angry at all!

I got a few small follow on features from the item hash links feature done yesterday. I have a few more of those today. Hopefully worldo won’t flip out in an anger tsunami while pretending to be absolute zero, while blaming everything on me. #

Best This Week in Startups podcast episode ever. All about Bitcoin and Michael Saylor, and also Elon’s pay package. Fantastic deconstruction from Jason, not without it’s faults, at times was doing exactly what he was complaining about in the person he was critisizing, but that isn’t to say that there isn’t very valuable insight brought out. Getting to the core of an issue is a bumpy ride sometimes. It’s a must listen for anyone in tech or even I would say for folks in politics. #

Why is everything a max edge case these days? Max edge case vs max edge case vs max edge case. #

Interesting main segment on the latest Rest is Politics podcast episode all about the Irish elections which happened a few days ago. Alistair goes into the history of the various parties, which clears up some of my confusion about irish politics. I’m still somewhat unclear where on the left-right spectrum the parties lie, but perhaps that’s the point? Maybe the left-right spectrum doesn’t really describe Irish politics very well? Anyway worth listening to, even though the RIP guys seem to have bizarely neglected to mention the segment entirely in their show description, despite the fact that it’s rather good.

There’s a bit of a bug going around at the minute of people fixing things while breaking them, allowing while blocking, and highlighting while covering up. Seriously, I’m only half joking, it’s happening multiple times per day where I am. But I’m seing signs of this sort of thing everywhere. So much so I suspect it’s civilisation level emergent behaviour. A sort of yes no yes no yes no thing.

Anyway, it appears they’ve been hit too. Oh noes! Get well soon gents.

Also in the episode, Stalmer’s big reset, the battle for Syria and political mayhem in France. #

Well the latest Rogan with Mike Benz Ep#2237, former official with the U.S. Department of State and current Executive Director of the Foundation For Freedom Online, is kinda fascinating, and I’m only 16 minutes into it.

TWIST is trending. Another weird synchronicity day. #

2024/12/03 #

Well so much for trying to get a fresh start today. There was another escallation note from last night:

  • Evening time now and I’m back in the location where early this morning people were shouting ‘boy’ at me. And guess what within 30 seconds of getting here more folks randomly saying ‘boy’. What a coincidence. I guess the world is angry at me again. I guess I’ll be going hungry again this evening.

Yes I did go hungry again last night, but also some tiny amount of money has been thrown on the ground, so the whole garbage war is still going on. I guess worldo is trying to say something while blaming me. What is it that you have wasted and squandered worldo? Have you wasted the entire earth, or maybe even the entire universe?

Hopefully I’ll get a few small follow up features from the hash links feature this morning. I’m expecting blocky weather from worldo. #

Peter St Onge: "On a global level, what COVID shows us, was that the left had completely won. They won everything. If you take two examples in the US, you take the BLM riots and you take the COVID lockdowns, and almost nobody spoke out about those. Historically almost 70% of Fortune 500 CEOs vote Republican. Not a single one criticised the BLM riots. So you look at that news trail and you say the left has been trying to capture the institutions, the long march students, they completely won. It was game over, and they could not stop. It’s like they had won the race but they had no breaks and they just kept going and they went off a friggin cliff. And they started putting men in woman’s sports, putting them in girls locker rooms, just completely unforced errors. You know if I were rooting for the democrats, I would be like ‘what the hell are you doing? Stop that’. Look at an opinion poll and start paying attention to things that people actually want’. I mean an open border? Who is for that? You make a good point talking about the farmers in Holland and in Britain. It’s a similar dynamic where they have won so completely, but the problem is they can’t face up to their activists. They can’t tell their activists to just sit down and shut up, and so the activists are driving this thing. In Britain they like arrested a 6 year old for hate speech. It’s kind of glorious to watch, because it’s like you guys are throwing victory away. It’s amazing."

It’s an interesting angle. I’ve been hearing the right of the spectrum commentators for a while now saying how captured main stream media was by the left, so this is basically a bigger version of that idea. I wonder how long it will take for the left to try to use the exact same framing. This week alone I’ve already been hearing several left wing commentators proclaiming that there is a very well funded right wing new media industrial complex, that has been conspiring and organising for years. Probably not long. They might even go for the big one, that in fact the right have been the winners all along, that they are just small fish in a much bigger pond, entirely controlled by the right. At which point I guess the right will do the same.

Then billionaires pretending to be paupers, and cats pretending to be dogs, and we’ll still all have to somehow keep on surviving day to day. The world keeps on turning. #

2024/12/02 #

The new thing is someone driving by shouting 'boy' then a bit later a small group of gang stalkers driving by doing faux maniacle evil laughter. ’Hey go home' bloke just drove past as I was writting this. He’s obviously getting a bit tired and bored of the whole thing, he’s clearly running out of different ways to say his line. He’s done every possible variation at this stage. I’m just exhausted, so I’m like yeah whatever mate.

Yesterday’s escallations got weird, I’ll let them speak for themselves, here are my notes:

  • Loads and loads of manufactured situations where people exageratedly freak out and start lashing out verbally as soon as I even hint at looking in their direction. Tested and confirmed by only looking around them. The literal microsecond I looked directly at them, massive freak out. Happened all morning by several different groups of 2 people. They are literally doing some pretend interaction, but the real thing they are doing is this strange uber sensitive behaviour.
  • This afternoon at the internet place there was more of the same and also just now a woman walking an infant up and down the pathway on front of me. The woman was making what very much appeared to be female sex noises. It was very blatant. Remove the infant child and the moaning sounds emanating from her would have seemed like she was practicing for a porno. She wasn’t doing anything bad to the child but it’s super frigging strange.
  • Btw an awful lot of women old and middle aged wearing yellow, and also several babies wearing all yellow outfits today.
  • This was followed by another baby walkby, combined with a motorbike drive by where the driver did an evil laugh then said in a serious voice ‘yah okay’
  • A woman that passed me earlier today and said ‘yah’ on her way to the park, just passed again wearing bright pink mini shorts and bright pink shoes, stopped to have an extended chat with the babywalker. They appeared to be waiting for me to look at them and reacted when I momentarily glanced up from my apple device.
  • Woman wearing pink driving a rental city bike dropping her enormous bunch of keys in the gutter on purpose at the exact moment I arrived. There was a whole gutter thing going on during the last garbage war.

I got quite a lot of coding done yesterday, but it was tough because after 3 weeks of not coding, the locals aren’t used to me being at the internet place for longer stretches, and so they get very passive aggressive angry. I have to stand my ground or I get nothing done, and it innevitably turns into some form of war, and it makes the coding more difficult, and the bugs I’ve been fixing have all been particulary difficult ones. So it rapidly becomes very tough going.

The final remaining issue appears to be with the tagclouds. Hoping to fix that this morning. #

This would normally be part of tomorrow’s morning note, a list of the previous day’s escallations, but I feel like it would be better to just get it published now so I can start tomorrow fresh. A lot of strangeness in the universe for me this morning, here are my notes, it’s somewhat quieter now after lunch:

  • Walked past a primary school on my way to the sandwich shop, it just happened to be what I guess is the morning gathering where they sing a song or say some chants or something. Hundreds of kids all lined up facing the front. I walked past and went to get my sandwich and on the way back, there was a random bloke standing on front of the school on the other side of the road. As I passed him he looks at me and aggressively shouts ‘liar’. I’d had an entire morning already of people playing tricks on me. At the hot water & egg shop they had apparently run out of plastic bags, and the young woman staffer there tried to give me an old transparent bag that had a sweet bread filled with yellow cream in it. At the internet place before that there was a whole thing where one of the regulars was pretending to be a young boy with an attitude problem. I was woken up this morning by a motorbike driveby with someone shouting ‘boy!’ at me. On the way to the internet place the butch woman that sits on the motorbike to distract me, was there sitting on her motorbike, and the lights on the entire street were turned off, and guess what, yet again a very large piece of sliced fruit had been placed in a way that you could quite easily step on and lead to a serious injury, and wouldn’t you know it but just before I passed it, a man wearing all white casually rounded the corner up ahead slowly on a bicycle, which would very easily lead you to get up into the pavement and step into said fruit. Luckily I had seen it ahead of time. But it was distraction after distraction after distraction. Anyway all this, and there was a boat load more, to say that by the time I passed the bloke outside the school I was past caring about any of this shit, and had decided that I just wasn’t going to let all this bull crap ruin my day. Already in the hot water shop, I had wished the staffer girl a merry Christmas when she put on Christmas music, even though she was likely blocking plastic bags. Luckily I had my own plastic bag. So when I passed the ‘liar’ bloke I just said ‘good luck to you mate’. Of course in retrospect perhaps not the wisest thing to say to a strange bloke outside a primary school, but I was just thinking maybe he was having a bad day and that’s why he was shouting ‘liar’ at people. Just genuinely was wishing him well. Anyway, yet another anyway, skip forward about an hour and I’m listening to a comedy podcast, the end of one I’ve been listening to for the past 2 days. It ends with one of the comedians shouting ‘sex with children!’, or something similar, pretty clearly just a roudy joke intended to shock, but gee what are the chances eh, oh yeah and guess what guess what, his name was Mark and the host comedy’s chastises him for ‘ruining everything’. Gee world what are the chances? Blaming everything on me much? Come on world you aren’t fooling anyone. Oh and the universe in all it’s wisdom had squeezed in yet another synchronicity when I woke up this morning I thought to myself, I might have even said it out loud, I bet they are going to start playing fucking Christmas music today since it’s beginning of December. It’s amazing I haven’t been mutilated yet today. But it will happen. Worldo is clearly angry while pretending not to be angry, and blaming everything on me. I’m exhausted already. Why do you insist on me carrying the entire universe world?

Bear in mind I’m not spending anytime to make these prose sound good, the world around me is way too chaotic for that, it’s stream of consciousness.

The good news is that I just managed to finish, test and deploy the item hash links feature on the website. The past 48 hours have been quite narly, lots of very niggly bugs that were very difficult to troubleshoot, and the world was doing it’s favorite thing where it somehow throws at me all sorts of strange similarly shaped real world problems.

Anyway, it was super nice to move the feature to done. #

2024/12/01 #

As predicted worldo is even more angry and trting to blame even more of everything on me. Last night absolute blatant sleep depravation followed by a blatant manufactured situation, where I’m being blamed for somebody else’s garbage. Of course as per usual this will be used as a pretext to escallate over and over until I get mutilated. They aren’t even bothering to try and hide it now. Literally the bloke that did it stood right next to me and tore up a bunch of garbage and walked off. The garbage people must have then been told because they passed in a huff and didn’t clean it up. This will likely get linked some how to the incident last week with the youths hitting each other with broom sticks.

Anyway there was a load of escallations yesterday, all related to worldo being mega angry and upset and offended at literally everything I do:

  • Strange early morning, was woken up very early approx 3am, then a series of questionable malicious help situations back to back, which clearly were more about bossing me about than actually helping me. Each time I didn’t get into their little trap, another manufactured situation would magically occur, seemingly as punishment. It must have happened 4 or 5 times in the space of a couple of hours.
  • They are doing that thing again where all is quiet as long as I’m listening to podcasts but literally as soon as I start typing on my device, within seconds a new "customer" walks up the stairs as if the just arrived. Then all sorts of distractions ensue, loud conversations, phone calls, gaming on speaker phone, the list is endless.
  • Spent 15 minutes preparing some food from earlier gift. The literal instant I started eating 2 young large butch women entered saying in loud piercing voice ‘No! Ah Ah Ah Ah’
  • On finishing food, utterances from the young butch women: ‘okay you won’
  • On washing hands and throwing away garbage from food, utterances from young butch women: ‘good liar’ followed by giggles

Of course there was way more than this but there’s just too much of it to document it all.

Now that build minutes reset I was able amoung all the blaming and harassment to get a bit of merging and testing of the latest code. Still a few bugs to work out on the hash links feature. It’s mostly working. As long as the world allows, which it most definitely has not been doing, in fact it’s been doing a whole lot of blocking, I’ll be able to get that feature across the line. No doubt I’ll once again be a sort of pariah.

Stop lying worldo, stop murdering, pay for your sins, allow. You know you’re wrong, say you’re sorry and mean it. Net-net you’re all little groveling bastards and you know it. You can’t handle your own imperfection and you’re trying to blame it on me yet again.

You create the problems you complain about. You block the solutions you suggest. Then you escallate and escallate and escallate. And eventually you blame it all on me.

Learn to stop worldo. Stop all your wars. #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.