I spent about an hour going over the code of my static site generator’s RSS plugin to try and figure out why the HTML is all mucked up. I didn’t find the issue but I think I’ve found a nice simplification of the code which will likely make it much easier to figure out why HTML is looking strange. Hoping to create a new feature branch with that fix tomorrow, which I’ll test at the end of the month once my build minutes reset.
Coding in shop cafes is really tough sometimes. It happens so often that just as you get to the most challenging part, just as you’ve spent an hour loading all the code into your head, that a group of people showup that are seemingly counter acting everything you do. Takes some real patience when the universe is playing those types of silly games with you. It’s like walking a tight rope, simultaneously in every dimension of the abstractions in your mind.
And then when you manage against all the odds to make some progress, the group metaphorically shiv you in the back as they leave, and every sonuvabitch security guard down the street does the same a bit later when you walk to the standup internet to post the links you collected and currated with love for and no thanks from the world. Like something out of a fucking modern day Dostoevsky novel accompanied by sad violins.
Anyway it will be awesome if it works. #