

So much just plain horrible, malicious and mindboggling hypocracy yesterday. Here‘s a note I jotted fown at some point which goes some way to describe some of what was going on:

I feel like we are figuring out all the base concepts of societies, the things that holds them all together, and it’s really unpleasant getting there. Do I think we will be any better off afterwards? I definitely am not sure about that.

I ended up have a pretty bad alergy flare up / cold all day yesterday. Sneezing, runny nose, and the world really likes to rub salt in all the wounds when that happens. As predicted, these things are happening with a 10-14 day cadence at the minute. It’s clearly not normal, and they fit in with all the other bull crap that you gotta think it’s on purpose in some way. Of course I repeatedly got blamed for it while being mutilated over and over, by people pretending to be angels, but were actually demons in angel clothes.

I got quite a bit of coding done, once again getting close to this months build minutes. It’s unbelievable to me that literally every month the feature I work on always, and I mean always, requires a small amount more minutes to get it done.

This 'almost but not quite enough' thing has been a feature running through my whole life. It literally just happenned again while I wrote the last sentence.

How does anything make any sense when the world is entirely algorithmic? All sorts of concepts just break down, freedom, forgiveness, the rule of law. You are left with groups of shitty bums all maliciously calling each other pots and kettles, and they are’t wrong, but they aren’t right either. When everything is miscellaneous, maybe nothing is.

Looks like we just get left with fortnightly shitty bums syndrome apocalypse.

The world wants infinite forgiveness, all literally while it mutilates you, while not giving you one iota of forgiveness in return. Forgiveness for we but not for thee. Money for we and not for thee. Food for we and not for thee. Water, friendship, love, kindness, compassion, the list is endless, but worldo’s favorite thing in the universe is to go through it and cross every i and dot every t.

Whatever worldo. You have shitty bum syndrome again. You gave it to yourself and you’re blaming me again. And you know it. #

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