I did a lot of walking yesterday. Worldo was front running my every move from almost as soon as I woke up. Presumably remenants of it’s exponangry thing from a few days ago. As I was walking to the next place, I would literally think about what shop cafe I wabted to go to abd inmediately, and I mean within seconds, the hive mind would fibd a way to order me to go to whatever place I pretty much already decided on. This happened about 4-5 times in rapid succession, and so I just decided not to bother with somewhere indoors and went to a place along the canal I hadn’t been to in a while.
It was also happening at a more granular level with interactions with people in shops along the way. The staff in literally every shop were front running my every move. It got very weird in one place with 3 food vendors all front running ontop of each other, creating this strange layered ecosystem thing. I don’t know how to describe it. It was like in the sea when there is sn ecosystem feeding frenzy, with successively bigger fish eating each other all the way up the food chain. It was very odd, you almost don’t have time to think. Bam bam bam bam! Ond after the other. It just feels like the whole universe is getting more exponangry.
Anyhow I got through it, but did a lot of walking. Did quite a bit of coding, around improving the HTML structure. There are some issues with how posts are displaying in RSS clients, so I’m trying to tidy up and simplify what HTML tags are used. Also listenned to some pretty rad podcasts, and prepared today’s newsletter.
Today I need to schedule the newsletter, and maybe test somd of the code I wrote, but it’s currently raining so not sure how easy that’s going to be. Feeling alright today as I had some decent food yesterday, a reasonable night’s sleep. Though my neck is in pain, as I slept in a strange position the night before last. #