A classic bit of Joe Rogan clarity following a very interesting wander with Julian Lennon into the realm of quantum computing [2:13:47]:
JR: That’s one of the most humbling things that I’ve found about doing this podcast. Realising how genuinely dumb we are in comparison to the amount of information that’s available. Not just uninformed, but incapable even if given the information, of grasping exactly what these apex minds are thinking and working on right now. Along with at the same time, people just living in Rivello, just having an expresso and a cigarette and getting a slice of pizza. [...]
JL: I resign. I truely resign in that level. [...]
JR: LOL, me too! [...] I think we are the last of the regular people. I think this experience that we are having, this experience that you are having on a motorcycle with no signal, driving through the countryside, just being alive, I think, we are the last of those people.
Me three dudes. I feel like that all the friggin time. Has it always been like this? I bet tons of cavemen had existential crisis’ with the invention of the wheel. I mean can you image, it’s like legs and feet, but also, it’s smooth abd continuous like water. WTF. #