

Right in the middle of another gang stalker escallation cycle. When all is said and done it’s theft. Theft plain and simple. So I’m calling what it is, everytime it happens, which is a lot because each time they try to fix the situation with another theft, each time disguised as something else. Before you know it it’s malicious help after malicious help after malicious help. Each time making the situation even worse while pretending to be the saviours. Until maximum perversion, at which point the entire social system starts to break down. And eventually I get blamed and often mutilated.

Another starvation cycle is just about to start. The malicious help from last night involved two girls in their twenties on a motorbike ostensibly giving out meals, except they made a point of giving the weird old lady, who now is permanently camped outside the shop, a meal too. I could sense there was something up the second they artived. Anyway, opened the meal to find it was half sized. Thiefs.

The other very weird thing that happened earlier in the evening, was that during the rain storm the weird old lady came over to where I was sheltering and started acting very bizarely, what can only be described as sexual advances. She eventually went away. During the night a meal was left in the place she had been sitting. All this stuff is harassment, it’s of a sexual nature. It’s combined with starvation, and constant anger goading. It is frankly disgusting.

It’s all ultimately theft. Stop stealing from me world. Stealing someone’s life is murder.

There have been at least 4 police walk bys this morning, so it’s clear it’s going to escallate in some way and everything will once again get blamed on me. #

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