

2024/07/16 #

Right in the middle of another gang stalker escallation cycle. When all is said and done it’s theft. Theft plain and simple. So I’m calling what it is, everytime it happens, which is a lot because each time they try to fix the situation with another theft, each time disguised as something else. Before you know it it’s malicious help after malicious help after malicious help. Each time making the situation even worse while pretending to be the saviours. Until maximum perversion, at which point the entire social system starts to break down. And eventually I get blamed and often mutilated.

Another starvation cycle is just about to start. The malicious help from last night involved two girls in their twenties on a motorbike ostensibly giving out meals, except they made a point of giving the weird old lady, who now is permanently camped outside the shop, a meal too. I could sense there was something up the second they artived. Anyway, opened the meal to find it was half sized. Thiefs.

The other very weird thing that happened earlier in the evening, was that during the rain storm the weird old lady came over to where I was sheltering and started acting very bizarely, what can only be described as sexual advances. She eventually went away. During the night a meal was left in the place she had been sitting. All this stuff is harassment, it’s of a sexual nature. It’s combined with starvation, and constant anger goading. It is frankly disgusting.

It’s all ultimately theft. Stop stealing from me world. Stealing someone’s life is murder.

There have been at least 4 police walk bys this morning, so it’s clear it’s going to escallate in some way and everything will once again get blamed on me. #

I’m going to try to write the podcast reviews as I listen to them this week, rather than wait until the end of the week. Hopefully it will improve both the reviews and the newsletter intro. It remains to be seen how the world will react to this new way of doing things. Let’s hope for the best.

Update: Almost immediate push back from a world on the warpath yet again. Even a wiff if possible change sends the wirkd into perversion mode, where everything gets perverted and escallated and warpathed. One must persevere. #

Following on from yesterday evening’s bizare sexual harrassment from the weird old lady, there was more of it this morning. Her new thing is to dump enormous amounts of tissues in your path, right in the gutter. Avid readers will remember that there was an incident in last week’s escallations involving condoms left in the gutter on front of the internet place. And you will also remember that ice lollys have started to feature everytime the weird old lady gets on a warpath.

Well wouldn’t you know it, this morning at the shop / cafe, ice scream lolly wrapers left exactly where I charge my devices. Add to that all sorts of anger goading involving not flushing the toilet, sugar free coke bottles, and a bunch of other weird shit I won’t get into right now. It’s intimidation escallation, masquerading as perhaps humour, but really it’s harrassment.

Ultimately it’s theft, using up even more of my time that’s alteady being fully stolen by the gang stalker pervert thieves. #

I partly really like the expression / turn of phrase "And so on and so forth". It means roughly speaking something like "etc etc" but slightly cleverer because it demands of the listener to extrapolate based on what you just said and imagine similar examples.

It’s good because it can save time when you are talking about something quite complex, time you can use to build up important ideas rather than laboriously be going over examples. When it’s used well, it is saying to the other person, "I know you know what I mean, you are a smart person, I'm not going to bother you with unnecessary explanations". If it’s used sparingly and respectfully it can be very effective at keeping the conversation moving forward.

Having said that, there is the danger of over-use, of using it as a crutch, a way to be lazy, asking the listener to do your job for you. These are not respectful ways to use this expression.

Anyway, I'm writting about it here so that I remember to use it sometimes. My impression is that I rarely use it. I think if used correctly it can make you sound quite smart. #

Having been more focussed on UK and US politics than I usually am for the past few months, one thing that I think many brits are suprised about in the US is the level of hatred between various groups. Of course in the UK we have all sorts of disagreements too, but my impression is that the level of underlying hatred is much less pronounced.

I could be wrong about this in some places, but on average, I think people tend to get along better most of the time.

I wonder what people in the US think about the levels of hatred in the UK? #

Just heard that brain - machine interface companies are collectively now referred to as Neurotech. I guess it makes sense, even if it feels a bit icky that there are folks building companies around our neurons. #

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