

Following on from yesterday evening’s bizare sexual harrassment from the weird old lady, there was more of it this morning. Her new thing is to dump enormous amounts of tissues in your path, right in the gutter. Avid readers will remember that there was an incident in last week’s escallations involving condoms left in the gutter on front of the internet place. And you will also remember that ice lollys have started to feature everytime the weird old lady gets on a warpath.

Well wouldn’t you know it, this morning at the shop / cafe, ice scream lolly wrapers left exactly where I charge my devices. Add to that all sorts of anger goading involving not flushing the toilet, sugar free coke bottles, and a bunch of other weird shit I won’t get into right now. It’s intimidation escallation, masquerading as perhaps humour, but really it’s harrassment.

Ultimately it’s theft, using up even more of my time that’s alteady being fully stolen by the gang stalker pervert thieves. #

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