

For some reason during yesterday’s repo git nightmare I must have incorrectly named the current day’s blog content feature branch. They contain the date so that the auto publish workflow creates a pull request containing all the latest content, merges it into the main branch, and launches a build and deploy. But I used today’s date instead. That probably means the build won’t have merged in yesterday’s content, so I’ll have to do that manually later when I get to the internet place. There are always so many pieces to fix when you get sucked into a nightmare like the one yesterday.

You end up fixing things for days. It’s like a reverse mirror image, a negative if you will, of the bullying escalation that caused the problem in the first place. Perhaps I’ve inadvertently been turned into a human Arilaser. I should start charging some fucking money for this service. Wish I new how to. Too many people just assume things will get fixed these days, not realising or not caring about the fact that somebody ends up paying for it.

How long till food world? These bags are not getting much lighter. #

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